How to Calibrate Gas Detectors

If you're tired of paying companies $85-$120 for gas detector calibration, why not calibrate your own? High prices for gas detector calibrations unfortunately lead some companies to unsafe practices (like not bump testing daily or only calibrating every few months) and we'd much rather teach you to calibrate your own monitors more regularly on your own. That's why we're currently in production of videos on how to calibrate every gas detector out there, starting with portable units and eventually moving to fixed gas detection calibration. Don't see a gas detector on our page that you need to know how to calibrate? Contact Us and we'll put it to the top of the list or walk you through over the phone.

Calibrating and bump testing gas detectors is important for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the readings they provide. Gas detectors are commonly used in industries such as mining, construction, and manufacturing to monitor the levels of potentially hazardous gases in the air. These gases, such as carbon monoxide and methane, can be harmful or even lethal if inhaled in high concentrations.

Calibrating a gas detector involves adjusting its sensors to ensure that they are accurately detecting the presence and concentration of gases in the air. This is typically done by exposing the gas detector to known concentrations of gases and comparing the readings it provides to the known values. If the readings are not accurate, the gas detector can be adjusted to improve its accuracy.

Bump testing, also known as functional testing, involves exposing the gas detector to a known concentration of gas to ensure that it is functioning properly. This can involve using a bump test gas cylinder or generator to produce the test gas. Bump testing is important because it can help identify any issues with the gas detector, such as faulty sensors or damaged components, before they lead to inaccurate readings. Regular bump testing can also help extend the lifespan of the gas detector by identifying and addressing any potential issues early on.